
Service Forms

Request an Article



What is ‘request an article’?


Request an article is a free service by which Seha e-library attempts to obtain for SEHA e-library users those articles that are not available in SEHAe-library subscribed journals holdings or from a free online source.


Who is eligible to request an article?


An active SEHA e-library staff member.


IIL requests must be made by the person who will be using the material


Inter-library loans which are prohibited:

The e-library cannot accept requests for the following items:

-Medical papers that are available in the e-library collection (please check the e-library catalogue and e-journals A-to-Z before placing a request)

-Books and e-books

-Paper versions of e-books


How many articles can be requested?


A Seha e-library user can request a maximum of 3 articles per day and a total number of 10 articles per week.


How much time it will take to get the requested article?


Your article will be emailed to you in 3-5 working days.


How to request an article?


To request an article that is not available free online or from SEHA e-library journals holdings, fill out and submit the form below: